Office of Bersenbrück

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The Bersenbrück office was a historical administrative area of ​​the Kingdom of Hanover and the Prussian Province of Hanover . The superordinate administrative authority was the Landdrostei Osnabrück , the seat of the official administration was the place Bersenbrück .


The administrative district was formed on April 1, 1817 from parts of the Osnabrück offices of Fürstenau (Vogteien Alfhausen, Ankum, Badbergen, Menslage) and Vörden (Vogtei Gehrde with parts of the parish Neuenkirchen o. O.). In 1852 the bailiwicks of Alfhausen, Badbergen and Menslage were assigned to the newly established Quakenbrück office , and the bailiwick Ankum zu Vörden. In 1859 these changes were revised again. Since 1867 the offices of Bersenbrück, Vörden and Fürstenau as well as the non-governmental town of Quakenbrück formed the (tax) district of Bersenbrück. When the district constitution was introduced (1885), it became the Bersenbrück district.


  • 1824–1849: Maximilian Friedrich von Böselager, Drost and district administrator
  • (1820) (1821–1840), Johann Gerhard Wilhelm Niemeyer, Oberamtmann
  • 1841–1858: Franz Kramer, bailiff, from 1853 senior bailiff
  • 1858–1868: Adolf Wilhelm von Hinüber, bailiff, from 1867 senior bailiff
  • 1868–1872: Christoph Conrad Hermann Albrecht von Wehrs, district chief
  • 1872–1877: Eugen Albert Heinrich Roth, district chief
  • 1877–1881: Gustav von Wick , district chief (by order)
  • (1881) 1882–1884: Emil Fuhrmann, bailiff, district chief
  • 1884–1885: Ernst Freiherr von Hammerstein-Loxten , bailiff and district chief (from 1885 district administrator of the Bersenbrück district)
