Jutland ridge

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Geological map of Denmark from 1882
Heerweg with the watershed at the sources of Skjern Å and Gudenå

The Jutland ridge ( Danish jyske højderyg ) on the Danish Jutland peninsula is the watershed between the Baltic Sea and Kattegat in the east and the North Sea in the west. The rivers run either east or west towards the sea.

The mountain range and the watershed were of great importance for the traffic between the seas over land and for the construction of settlements.

The Heerweg ( Hærvejen in Danish ) runs along the watershed in a north-south direction and avoids crossing fjords and streams on its route .

For the same reason, the East Jutian towns are on the fjords. So they are connected to the sea and at the same time close to the highest points on the watershed in a west-east direction. In Vendsyssel , the Jyske Ås ridge forms part of the ridge with elevations over 100 meters.

Web links

  • Ed. Erslev: Jyske Naturforhold. In: Geografisk Tidsskrift, Volume 6. 1882, pp. 11–21 , accessed on October 13, 2015 (Danish).
  • Brandt is different: Istid i Danmark. (Ice Age in Denmark). tv2.dk, May 7, 2004, accessed on October 13, 2015 (Danish).