Gustav from Wick

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Carl Wilhelm Hans Friedrich Ludwig Gustav von Wick (born January 27, 1821 in Wathlingen , † July 18, 1899 in Hanover ) was a German administrative officer.


Gustav von Wick was a son of K. Würtemberg Chamberlain and Staff Riding Master, later K. Hanover Captain Gustav von Wick. He studied law at the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen and became a member of the Corps Lunaburgia Göttingen in 1840 . After graduating, he entered the civil service of the Kingdom of Hanover . From 1852 he was police director in Clausthal-Zellerfeld and from 1865 bailiff in Weener . After the annexation of Hanover by Prussia , he became a civil servant in the Prussian civil service in the province of Hanover . As Amtshauptmann in Fuerstenau he was from 1877 to 1881 as acting magistrate of the Office Bersenbrück and District Chief of the (tax) district Bersenbrück. In 1885 he was appointed district administrator for the Zeven district. He held the office until 1887. As District Administrator a. D. he lived in Hanover .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Genealogical handbook of the nobility . Noble houses B. Volume III, Glücksburg 1958, p. 555
  2. a b Kösener corps lists 1910, 79 , 153
  3. Iselin Gundermann, Walther Hubatsch: Outline of German administrative history 1815-1945 . Row A: Prussia, Volume 10: Hanover. Marburg (Lahn) 1981, p. 789
  4. ^ District Bersenbrück administrative history, district chiefs and district administrators on the website (Rolf Jehke)
  5. Bremervörde district administrative history and district administrators on the website (Rolf Jehke)