Office of the parish district of Wesselburen

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Location of the former office of KLG Wesselburen in the Dithmarschen district
Former administrative office in Wesselburen

The office parish land municipality Wesselburen was an office in the district of Dithmarschen in Schleswig-Holstein with its administrative seat in the city of Wesselburen , which itself did not belong to the office.

On January 1, 2008, the municipality of Norderwöhrden resigned from office and joined the newly formed office of the parish district of Heider Umland . On May 25, 2008, the remaining municipalities of the office merged with the city of Wesselburen and the municipalities of the office parish state municipality Büsum to form the office Büsum-Wesselburen .

The office had an area of ​​over 110 km² and recently around 3400 inhabitants (including Norderwöhrden) in the communities

  1. Friedrichsgabekoog
  2. Hellschen-Herringand-Unterschaar
  3. Hillgroven
  4. North dike
  5. Norderwöhrden
  6. Oesterwurth
  7. Reinsbüttel
  8. Schülp
  9. Strübbel
  10. South dike
  11. Wesselburener Deichhausen
  12. Wesselburenerkoog