Office relationship

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The public service relationship in Germany is to be distinguished from the employment relationship in the public service ( civil servants , soldiers , judges ) and is used as a generic term for the special legal status of constitutional bodies and their members (such as the Federal President , members of the Federal Government ( § 1 BMinG ) or a State government , judges of the Federal Constitutional Court , members of the Bundestag and the state parliaments ) as well as for other "public-law office relationships of a different order". These include:

Official relationships are often subject to special regulations that give them privileges in particular over civil servants.

Public officials in a public office receive official remuneration , are considered to be employed in the public service within the meaning of the Civil Service Pension Act and receive “income from use”.

There are also officials under European law, for example as members of the European Court of Auditors .


  • Eike Michael Frenzel: The public service relationship and the law of the public service - farewell to the principle . In: Journal for Civil Service Law . 2008, p. 243 ff .

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Judgment - BVerwG 2 C 39.09. Federal Administrative Court , April 28, 2011, accessed on September 23, 2019 .