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Classification according to ICD-10
R47.1 Speech and language disorders, not elsewhere classified "dysarthria and anarthria"
ICD-10 online (WHO version 2019)

The anarthria is the maximum shape of the speech disorder by a severe impairment of the control of the organs of speech in the central nervous system . It goes beyond the blurred, clumsy and inarticulate or voiceless (aphonic) dysarthria , where speaking is still possible. Although the word concepts, unlike in aphasia , are not disturbed, phonation and articulation do not succeed at all with an anarthria. The associated lesion ( cerebral infarction , cerebral hemorrhage , brain tumor, etc.) can be found in the area of ​​the lateral motor cortex of the language-dominant hemisphere (cortical motor representation of the tongue, larynx, lips, etc.), the associated tracts or in the brain stem in the zone of the cranial nerve nuclei of the glossopharyngeal nerve , Vagus nerve and / or hypoglossal nerve lie.

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