Ancus Marcius

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Depiction of Ancus Marcius, allegedly as a self-portrait of Lucius Marcius Philippus, who was responsible for the minting as mint master ( denarius , 1st century BC); The reverse shows the aqueduct built by Quintus Marcius Rex (according to Fontinus, the only praetor as builder)

Ancus Marcius (also Martius ) (* 675 BC?; † 616 BC) is the mythical fourth king of Rome . The historicity of his existence and of all the circumstances and details of his life is, like much of the Roman royal era, uncertain.

Ancus Marcius was the grandson of King Numa Pompilius and was born in 640 BC. Elected king ( rex ) after Tullus Hostilius . Although he, like his grandfather, was considered a lover of justice and religious, he fought several wars, for example against the Sabines . In addition, he had to use his army against his own insurgent population, as they saw him as weak and wanted to overthrow. He had the port city of Ostia built at the mouth of the Tiber River and connected the banks of the Tiber in Rome with a pile bridge. In ancient times, this pile bridge was considered to be the world's first wooden bridge.

He also established the first prison in the city . Ancus Marcius revived many institutions and customs which his grandfather had once introduced and which had been forgotten after his death. He is also said to have greatly increased the power and size of Rome during his 24-year reign. Since he was considered a good king, he was astonishingly popular even in the times of the republic: The Marcians traced back to him, and Gaius Julius Caesar also claimed to be descended from him.



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Commons : Ancus Marcius  - collection of images, videos and audio files
predecessor Office successor
Tullus Hostilius King of Rome
640–616 BC Chr.
Lucius Tarquinius Priscus