André Asselin (pianist)

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André Asselin (born February 25, 1923 in Montreal ; † January 26, 2012 there ) was a Canadian pianist and composer.


The great-nephew of the tenor Pierre-Aurèle Asselin and the soprano Marie-Anne Asselin first had piano lessons with Auguste Descarries (1896–1958) and continued his studies at the Toronto Conservatory with Ernest Seitz and Lubka Kolessa .

In 1948 he undertook a tour of South America as a pianist and conductor with a dance company of the Paris Opera . He performed on concert tours in Canada and South America and later in France. In the early 1950s he moved to Paris. From here he gave concerts all over Europe, performing not only the classical repertoire but also works by Canadian composers such as Violet Archer , Claude Champagne , Auguste Descarries, André and Rodolphe Mathieu , Barbara Pentland , Clermont Pépin , Harry Somers and Healey Willan . In 1987 he returned to Montreal.

Asselin composed a number of piano works. In 1962 his book Panorama de la musique canadienne was published in Paris .

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