Gustav Eskuche

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Gustav Eskuche (born April 18, 1865 in Kassel , † May 24, 1917 in Stettin ) was a German teacher, high school director, writer and folk song collector.


Eskuche made the Abitur at the Kassel Friedrichs-Gymnasium . He then studied at the universities in Berlin and Marburg , where he became a member of the Marburg Burschenschaft Rheinfranken in 1883 . In the fall of 1888 he passed the state examination for teaching qualifications. On May 24, 1889 he was promoted to Dr. phil. PhD .

After his probationary year as a teacher in Kassel and a six-month study trip to Paris, he worked for half a year at the Friedrichsgymnasium in Kassel, and later at the private Progymnasium in Rossla. Later he was employed for nine years at the Realgymnasium in Siegen , today's Gymnasium am Löhrtor . From 1903 he was employed at the Reform Realgymnasium in Düsseldorf. On April 19, 1906, he was appointed director of the city high school in Stettin.

Gustav Eskuche worked not only as a teacher, but also as a writer and folk song collector. In addition to his own works, he also translated some things from the Greek.

Works (selection)

as an author
  • On the history of German idyllic poetry. An hour of literature. 1894.
  • Paganism and Christianity in the Chattenland . 1896.
  • Sarcerius as an educator and school man . 1901.
  • German language teaching and literary history for higher education institutions . 1905.
  • German sentence separation (punctuation) . 1908.
  • Essay for students . 1909.
as editor
  • (with Johann Lewalter ): Hessian children's songs . 1891.
  • Siegerland children's songs - collected and explained from [the] vernacular . 1897.
as translator
  • De Valerio Catone deque Diris et Lydia carminibus . 1889.
  • Homer : The Frog Mouse War . 1911.
  • Herondas : The young good-for-nothing (250 BC). 1912.


  • Helge Dvorak: Biographical Lexicon of the German Burschenschaft. Volume II: Artists. Winter, Heidelberg 2018, ISBN 978-3-8253-6813-5 , pp. 176–177.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ "Scrolled back ...", Siegener Zeitung of May 28, 2011