André Brue

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André Brue (also called Bruson ) (* 1654 in La Ciotat , France ; † May 20, 1738 ) was general director of the French Senegalese company ( Compagnie Royale du Sénégal ) in the 17th century.


After 1697 Brue became general director of the French trading company with its headquarters in Saint-Louis at the mouth of the Senegal . He was determined to oppose the influence of the English in the Senegambia region and to strengthen the interests of the French. For this he should build a base on the Gambia River .

However, he was unsuccessful in his work for a quarter of a century. The reasons lay in the fact that he did not gain control of piracy , which caused the losses of the Senegal Company during the War of the Spanish Succession (1701–1714) and led to the company's growing economic weakness.


  • Arnold Hughes and Harry A. Gailey: Historical dictionary of the Gambia . Scarecrow Press, Lanham, Md. 1999, ISBN 0-8108-3660-2
  • JM Gray: A History Of The Gambia. Frank Cass & Co. Ltd., 1940

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