Andrés de Claramonte

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Andrés de Claramonte y Corroy (* around 1580 in Murcia ; † September 19, 1626 ) was a playwright of the Spanish Siglo de Oro .

Little is known about his life. As an actor he appeared in the most important companies, e. B. with Baltasar de Pinedo and Alonso de Olmeido. As a writer, he wrote epic dramas in which he showed a talent for visual and theatrical effect.


The piece El valiente negro en Flandres (The Brave Black in Flanders) deals with problems of racism in society. The story is told of an African slave who regained his freedom in Mérida , went to Flanders and had to fight against discrimination because of his skin color. Because of his merits, he was promoted to general and earned the trust of the Duke of Alba . He receives the Santiagoorden and marries the daughter of his former master.

Less well-known works are El Gran rey de los desiertos, San Onofre (The great king of the deserts, Saint Onophrius ), which is to be seen in connection with El Condenado por desconfiado (The convicted of distrust), such as Ciriaco Moron and Alfredo Rodriguez Lopez- Vazquez have shown. In the unpublished work, Las dos columnas de San Carlos (The Two Pillars of St. Carlos), which was recently discovered by Alejandro Garcia Reidy and deals with the life of St. Charles Borromeo , Martin Luther appears in the first scene .

Claramonte in literary criticism

The Spanish critic Marcelino Menéndez y Pelayo (1856–1912) looked down with disdain on Claramonte, but today he is widely recognized, especially by Alfredo Rodriguez Lopez-Vazquez, Charles V. Ganelin and Fernando Cantalapiedra Erostarbe. Some critics suggest that Claramonte is the author of some of the most important plays of the Golden Century, such as "La Estrella de Sevilla" (The Star of Seville) and "El burlador de Sevilla" (The Seducer of Seville), commonly known as Lope de Vega or Tirso de Molina can be attributed.

Bibliography (Spanish)

  • Nelson López, "El valiente negro en Flandes: Edición para actores y directores" Kassel, Edition Reichenberger, 2008.
  • Fernando Cantalapiedra Erostarbe, 'El infanzón de Illescas' y las comedias de Claramonte , Kassel, Edition Reichenberger / Universidad de Granada, 1990, 282 pages.
  • Fernando Cantalapiedra Erostarbe, El teatro de Claramonte y La Estrella de Sevilla , Kassel, Edition Reichenberger, 1993, 441 pages.
  • Alfredo Rodríguez López-Vázquez, Andres de Claramonte y "El burlador de Sevilla" , Kassel, Edition Reichenberger, 1987.
  • Alfredo Rodríguez López-Vázquez, Aportaciones críticas a la autoría de "El burlador de Sevilla". Criticón 40, 1987, pp. 5-44.
  • Alfredo Rodríguez López-Vázquez, "La Estrella de Sevilla" y Claramonte. Criticón , 21, 1983, pp. 5-31.
  • Luis Vázquez, "Andrés de Claramonte (1580? -1626), la Merced, Tirso de Molina y El burlador de Sevilla (Anotaciones críticas ante un intento de usurpación literaria)", Estudios , 151, 1985, pp. 397-429.
  • Luis Vázquez, "Documentos toledanos y madrileños de Claramonte y reafirmación de Tirso como autor de El burlador de Sevilla y convidado de piedra ", Estudios , 156-157, 1987, pp. 9-50.
  • Andrés de Claramonte: "Tan largo me lo fiáis", "Deste agua no beberé", Madrid: Ed. Cátedra, Letras Hispánicas, 2008.
  • Atribuido a Tirso de Molina / Luis Vélez, "El condenado por desconfiado" "La ninfa del Cielo", Madrid: Cátedra, Letras Hispánicas, 2008.
  • Atribuido a Tirso de Molina, "El burlador de Sevilla", Madrid: Ed. Cátedra, Letras Hispánicas, 2007 (15 edición).