Andreas C. Ott

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Andreas C. Ott (born August 5, 1875 in Basel , † February 11, 1934 in Stuttgart ) was a Swiss Romance and Medievalist who was a university professor in Germany.

life and work

Ott studied in Zurich, Florence and Paris and obtained his doctorate in Zurich with Étude sur les couleurs en vieux français (Paris 1899, Geneva 1977). He completed his habilitation in Frankfurt am Main with Heinrich Morf with Eloi d'Amerval and his “Livre de la diablerie”. A contribution to the knowledge of France at the end of the Middle Ages (Erlangen 1908). From 1910 he was associate professor and from 1925 full professor at the Technical University of Stuttgart . Ott remained there without a direct successor.

Other works

  • (Ed.) The old French Eustachiusleben (l'estoire d'Eustachius) of the Paris manuscript Nat.-Bibl. fr. 1374, Erlangen 1912 (Romanesque research 32, 2)
  • (Ed.) Gautier de Coincy, Christinenleben based on the two manuscripts on Carpentras and Paris, Erlangen 1922
  • L'Infernal désarroi. Notes de voyages européens, Paris 1927


  • Louis Brandin , in: Romania 60, 1934, p. 136
  • Bernhard König: Etienne (Stefan) Lorck and the beginnings of Romance philology in Cologne, in: Lingua et Traditio. History of linguistics and recent philologies. Festschrift for Hans Helmut Christmann for his 65th birthday, ed. by Richard Baum, Klaus Böckle, Franz Josef Hausmann and Franz Lebsanft, Tübingen 1994, p. 520
  • Frank-Rutger Hausmann , "Devoured by the vortex of events". German Romance Studies in the “Third Reich”, 2nd edition, Frankfurt am Main 2008, p. 729

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