Louis Brandin

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Louis Maurice Brandin (born March 18, 1874 in Paris , † 1940 in London ) was a French Romanist and Medievalist who worked in England.


Brandin, relative and student of Arsène Darmesteter , graduated from the École nationale des chartes and graduated in 1898 with the work Les Gloses françaises ("loazim") de Gerschom de Metz (in: Revue des études juives 42–43, 1901). Then he went to Edmund Stengel's French lecturer at the University of Greifswald , where he received his doctorate from Stengel in 1900 with the dissertation Inedita of the old French song manuscript Pb5 (Bibl. Nat. 846) (in: Journal for French Language and Literature 22, 1900). Brandin was from 1901 to 1939 field professor of French at University College London (successor: Brian Woledge ).


  • (Ed. With Pierre Aubry, 1874–1910, and Alfred Jeanroy ) Lais et descorts français du XIIIe siècle , Paris, Welter, 1901; Geneva, Slatkine, 1975; Geneva, Minkoff, 1980.
  • (with WG Hartog) A Book of French prosody , London, Blackie, 1904.
  • (Ed. With Mayer Lambert, 1863–1930) Glossaire hébreu-français du XIIIe siècle , Paris, Leroux, 1905; Geneva, Slatkine, 1977.
  • (Ed. With Arsène Darmesteter) Les gloses françaises de Raschi dans la Bible, in: Revue des études juives 53–56, 1907–1908 (147 pages, foreword by Julien Weill, 1873–1950).
  • (Ed.) La chanson d'Aspremont. Chanson de geste du XIIe siècle , 2 vols., Paris, Champion, 1919–1921, 1923–1924, 1970; in 1 vol., 1925 (preface by Joseph Bédier ).
  • (Ed.) Fouke Fitz Warin. Roman du XIVe siècle , Paris, Champion, 1920, 1930.
  • (Ed.) Berthe au grand pied , Paris, Boivin, 1924 (adapted from New French, Bertrada the Younger ).
  • (Ed. With Alfred Jeanroy and Arthur Långfors ) Recueil général des jeux-partis français , Paris, Champion, 1926.
  • (Ed. And translator) Lais et fabliaux du XIIIe siècle , Paris, Boccard, 1932 (new French).
    • I. Le vair palefroi, par Huon Le Roy
    • II. Guillaume au faucon
    • III. Le partage de la couverture, by Bernier
    • IV. Les trois ménestrels bossus, par Durand
    • V. Les trois aveugles de Compiègne, by Courtebarbe
    • VI. Sire Hain et dame Anieuse, by Hue Piaucele
    • VII. Le vilain qui conquit le paradis en plaidant
    • VIII. Le vilain au buffet

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