Andreas Groll (painter)

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Andreas Groll, book illustration in the Slovenian edition: “The Habsburgs in Krain” by August Dimitz , published in Laibach in 1883.

Andreas Groll (born September 6, 1850 in Vienna ; † December 23, 1907 there ) was an Austrian painter and drawing teacher .


Andreas Groll was the son of the photographer Andreas Groll (1812–1872) and his wife. After his school education he studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna, where he was a student of Eduard Peithner von Lichtenfels , Anselm Feuerbach , August Eisenmenger and Christian Griepenkerl .

Through Hyacinth von Wieser (1848–1877), a fellow student with whom he was on friendly terms, Groll found recognition in his respected family. He later married Mathilde von Wieser, a younger sister of his artist friend. After graduating from the academy, Groll undertook an extensive study trip to Italy from 1876 to 1878, which he mainly spent in Rome and Venice.

From 1887 Groll worked as a professor at the Kunstgewerbeschule of the Austrian Museum for Art and Industry in Vienna. He taught life drawing and was considered an outstanding teacher at the time.

According to a contemporary description, Groll was: "a herculean man, a splendid, imposing appearance".

On December 23, 1907, Andreas Groll died at the age of 57 in a Viennese sanatorium and was consecrated on December 25 in the parish church of Maria Treu , after which he was buried in the Vienna Central Cemetery .



  • Ceiling design for the church in Haindorf: Maria Himmelfahrt, oil on canvas, 90 × 150 cm. Picture gallery of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
  • Draft ceiling painting for the church in Haindorf: Crucifixion of Christ, oil on canvas, 80.5 × 144 cm. Picture gallery of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
  • Bacchus finds Ariadne, oil on canvas, 80 × 115.5 cm. Picture gallery of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Obituary, Neue Freie Presse, December 24, 1907
  2. a b c