Andreas Hein

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Andreas Hein (2017)

Andreas Hein (born December 29, 1967 in Heide ) is a German politician of the Christian Democratic Union of Germany (CDU).

Life and work

Andreas Hein completed an apprenticeship as a motor vehicle mechanics master and in the Bundeswehr an apprenticeship up to a staff sergeant. He received the Bundeswehr Medal of Honor.

He then worked as a master mechanic, car salesman, sales manager and operations manager in Tellingstedt and was managing director and partner for a car dealership in Heide for nine years.

Hein is married and has two children.


Andreas Hein is the deputy chairman of the CDU parliamentary group and chairman of the committee for economy and tourism in the council of the city of Heide. He is also the supervisory board of Heide Stadtmarketing GmbH, the supervisory board of Dithmarschen Tourismus, the supervisory board of Stadtwerke Heide and currently chairman or deputy chairman (changes annually on June 1) of the administrative board of the Heide Region Development Agency.


In the state elections in Schleswig-Holstein in 2017 , Andreas Hein moved into the state parliament with 44.6 percent of the first votes as a directly elected member of the Dithmarschen-Schleswig constituency . Hein is spokesman for energy policy and foreign trade for the CDU parliamentary group and a member of the economic and petitions committee, as well as a deputy member of the social, environmental and agricultural committee.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Kieler Nachrichten, Kiel, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany: State Election Schleswig-Holstein 2017- All constituency results at a glance- KN -Kieler Nachrichten. ( ) Retrieved September 26, 2017.