Andreas Krell

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Andreas Joachim Krell (* 1962 ) is a German lawyer and professor at the Universidade Federal de Alagoas UFAL ( Maceió , Brazil ) and professor for post-graduate studies in law at the Federal University of Pernambuco UFPE ( Recife , Brazil).


Andreas Krell studied law at the Free University of Berlin and passed the first state examination there in 1986, followed by the legal trainee examination in 1990. Also at the Free University of Berlin he received his doctorate in law in 1993 with a thesis supervised by Christoph Müller . The doctoral thesis was published in 1993 under the title "Municipal Environmental Protection in Brazil. Legal Frameworks and Practical Problems".

Since 1995 Krell has been Professor of Environmental Law and Constitutional Law at the Federal University of the State of Alagoas (UFAL) in Maceió, and since 1996 Professor in the Law Postgraduate Program at the Federal University of the State of Pernambuco (UFPE), Recife .

In 2006 Andreas Krell was elected director of the UFAL Faculty of Law and re-elected in 2009. Since 2009 he has also been a representative of the law department on the Advisory Board of the National Council for Research and Technological Development (CNPq) of the Brazilian federal government.

Fonts (selection)

  • Municipal environmental protection in Brazil. Legal framework and practical problems . (Writings of the German-Brazilian Lawyers Association; 21). Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt / M. 1993, ISBN 3-631-46678-1 (also dissertation, FU Berlin 1993).
  • 10 years of the Brazilian Federal Constitution. Legal dogmatic and legal sociological aspects of the development of the protection of fundamental rights . In: Constitution and Law in Übersee , Vol. 32 (1999), pp. 8-30, ISSN  0506-7286 .
  • Direitos sociais e controle judicial no Brasil e na Alemanha. Os (des) caminhos de um direito constitucional "comparado" . SA Fabris Editor, Porto Alegre 2002, ISBN 85-7525-196-1 .
  • O Município no Brasil e na Alemanha. Direito e administração pública comparados . Oficina Municipal, São Paulo 2003, ISBN 85-89739-02-3 .
  • A plicação do direito ambiental no estado federativo . Lumen Juris, Rio de Janeiro 2005, ISBN 85-7387-685-9 .
  • Desenvolvimento sustentável às avessas nas praias de Maceió, AL. A liberação de espigões pelo novo código de urbanismo e edificações . EDUFAL, Maceió 2008, ISBN 978-85-7177-403-2 .
  • Leis de Normas Gerais. Regulamentação do Poder Executivo e Cooperação Intergovernamental em Tempos de Reforma Federativa . Forum Press, Belo Horizonte 2008.

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