Andreas Mihavecz

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Andreas Mihavecz (* 1960/61) is an Austrian from Bregenz who , according to the Guinness Book of Records in 1997, holds the world record for long-term survival without a supply of food or fluids.

On April 1, 1979, the then 18-year-old bricklayer's apprentice was taken into custody by the gendarmerie in Höchst after he had been involved as a passenger in a car accident. Three gendarmerie officers were responsible for his arrest , each of whom thought the other two had already released Mihavecz. A missing person report from Mihavecz's mother was ignored. Since his cell was in the basement, nobody heard his calls. He lost 24 kilograms in weight. Mihavecz survived as he ingested condensation from the walls. 17 days after the arrest, on April 18, 1979, the officer Helmut Hämmerle accidentally discovered Mihavecz after smelling the smell from the cell. Weeks passed before Mihavecz's health was restored.

In the criminal proceedings that followed, the three gendarmes involved accused each other. Because "Gross negligence in office" the officials were fined the equivalent of each 2000 €. Two years later, Mihavecz was awarded 250,000 schillings (around € 18,168) in civil proceedings.

The case was later mistakenly cited in a book on Urban Legends , where it was referred to as a modernized form of a medieval tale about a forgotten prisoner.

Individual evidence

  1. The Guinness Book of World Records (1997), (2007)
  2. a b Say: Baby with Ketchup . In: Der Spiegel . No. 12 , 1990, pp. 322-325 ( Online - Mar. 19, 1990 ).
  3. ^ A b c Officials forgot prisoner in cell: Sentenced. In: Hamburger Abendblatt. November 6, 1979. Retrieved March 25, 2016 .
  4. a b Rolf Wilhelm Brednich: The spider in the yucca palm. Fabulous stories from today. CH Beck, Munich 2007, ISBN 978-3-406-57037-7 .
  5. ^ This is how the forgotten prisoner suffered , Arbeiter-Zeitung, April 20, 1979.
  6. Compensation for the "forgotten" prisoner. In: Hamburger Abendblatt. September 5, 1981. Retrieved March 25, 2016 .