Andreas von Blauen

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Andreas von Blue (also Andreas von Plauen * 16th August 1554 in Seitwann ; † 7. February 1602 ibid) was imperial councilor , governor , Country Counsel and Kammerprokurator the Lower Lausitz .


Andreas von Blauen was a doctor of both rights . He served as an envoy and worked in legal matters. He stood up for the Neuzelle monastery in 1594 and 1595 with the emperor and the archbishop during his stays in Prague .

Von Blauen was in the possession of the villages Seitwann and Groß Drenzig of the Neuzelle monastery (since 1591/97), as well as Henzendorf , Ostendorf and Baro. In 1597 he had a Protestant church built in Seitwann. By 1598 at the latest, Andreas von Blauen had given up his office as state syndic. He died in 1602.


  • Abraham Gast: Funeral sermon, Bey dem Begrebnus deß Weylandt Noble ... Messrs. Andreae von Blawen on Seitwan, Drentzig, Ostendorff, and Bahro: Beyder's high-headed doctoris . 1602
  • Winfried Töpler : The Neuzelle monastery and the secular and spiritual powers 1268-1817 (= studies on the history, art and culture of the Cistercians, volume 14). Berlin 2003, ISBN 3-931836-53-3 , p. 113
  • Luděk Březina: The Governor of Lower Lusatia between royal power and estates (1490–1620). A servant of two masters. Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, 2017, pp. 219, 222

Individual evidence

  1. Entry in Kaiser and Höfe of the LMU