Andreas von Kreytzen

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Andreas von Kreytzen (* 1579 in Domnau ; † 1641 in Königsberg i. Pr. ) Was a German administrative officer in the Duchy of Prussia .

He came from the noble family von Kreytzen and studied at the Albertus University in Königsberg . In 1606 he became district administrator, then captain of Angerburg . In the ducal government he served as senior marshal and court master (1628). He gave the university great care.

He expanded the Weßlienen family estate on the Frischen Haff .


Siegfried von Creytz: Landhofmeister Andreas von Creytzen. In: Ostdeutsche Familienkunde 18, 1970, pp. 289–295

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Robert Albinus: Königsberg Lexicon . Würzburg 2002, ISBN 3-88189-441-1