Andronikos of Olynthos

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Andronikos ( Greek  Ἀνδρόνικος ; † after 312 BC) from Olynthos was a Macedonian general in the service of Antigonos Monophthalmos during the age of the Diadoch Wars .

He was a veteran of the Alexanderzug , but did not appear until 315 BC. First appeared during the third Diadoch war. In the absence of Antigonos Monophthalmos, he led the siege of Tire for him and was appointed city commander (phrourarchos) after the city was captured . Then he was appointed with Peithon , Nearchus and Philippos as one of the military mentors of the young Demetrios Poliorketes , at whose side he was at the Battle of Gaza in 312 BC. Participated as commander of the right wing; however, the battle ended with a defeat against Ptolemy I.

After the defeat, Andronikos defended the important seaport of Tire against Ptolemy and refused to accept an offer to change sides, despite the promise of rich remuneration. However, this aroused the displeasure of his subordinate officers, from whom he was expelled from the city and so fell into the hands of Ptolemy, who was lying in front of her. Despite the previously rejected offer, Andronikos was accepted by Ptolemy in his wake, whereupon he ended his career as a friend (philos) of Ptolemy.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Diodorus 19, 61, 6.
  2. Diodorus 19:59, 2.
  3. Diodorus 19, 69, 1 and 19, 82, 4.
  4. Diodor 19, 86, 1-2.