Andrzej Walicki

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Andrzej Walicki

Andrzej Stanisław Walicki (born May 15, 1930 in Warsaw , † August 20, 2020 in Warsaw) was a Polish historian . In his scientific research he mainly deals with the history of ideas , especially the Polish and Russian history of ideas of the 19th and early 20th centuries.


Walicki studied at the University of Warsaw , where he received his master's degree in 1953 and his doctorate in 1957 . From 1958 to 1960 he lectured at the Department of Sociology at the University of Warsaw and from 1960 to 1981 at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology at the Polish Academy of Sciences . In 1964 he completed his habilitation and from 1972 was professor at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences. From 1981 to 1986 he worked as a research assistant at the Australian National University in Canberra . Since 1986 he has lectured at the University of Notre Dame in the USA . In 1993 he was granted citizenship of the United States . Since 1994 he has been a member of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Since 1999 he has been professor emeritus at the University of Notre Dame.

Until 1983 he was editor of the journal Archiwum Historii Filozofii i Myśli Społcznej .

He was the son of the art historian Michał Walicki .

Publications (selection)

  • W kręgu konserwatywnej utopii , 1964
  • Filozofia a mesjanizm , 1970
  • Między filozofią, Religą a polityką , 1983
  • Polska, Rosja, marksizm , 1983
  • Legal Philosophies of Russian Liberalism , 1987
    • Filozofia prawa rosyjskiego liberalizmu , 1995
  • Trzy patriotyzmy , 1991
  • Aleksander Hercen - kwestia polska i geneza pewnych stereotypów , 1991
  • Zniewolony umysł po latach , 1993
  • Marxism and the Leap to the Kingdom of Freedom , 1995
    • Marksizm i skok do królestwa wolności. Dzieje komunistycznej utopii , 1996
  • Rosja, katolicyzm i sprawa polska , 2002

Nominations and Awards

Web links

  • Walicki Andrzej. In: Internetowa encyklopedia PWN. Retrieved October 4, 2018 (Polish).
  • Andrzej Walicki. In: International Balzan Prize Foundation. October 1998, accessed October 4, 2018 (Polish).