Angelo Spanio

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Angelo Spanio (born May 11, 1892 in Venice ; † August 25, 1976 ibid) was Mayor of Venice from 1951 to 1955, director of a medical journal and from 1953 to 1976 president of the most important cultural foundation in Venice, the Fondazione Giorgio Cini . He was succeeded as mayor by Roberto Tognazzi .


Spanio, who mastered German and French and was classically educated, worked as a doctor at the Ospedale Civile in Venice and also lectured on clinical medicine and pathology in Padua; from 1938 he was chief physician at the municipal hospital and director of the Giornale veneto di scienze mediche .

In 1951, the Christian Democrat, although he had no political or administrative experience, won the election as mayor of Venice as a candidate for the Democrazia Cristiana and the Partito Socialista dei Lavoratori Italiani . He replaced his predecessor, the resistance fighter and communist Giobatta Gianquinto .

During Spanio's tenure, Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli became the Patriarch of Venice. In addition to the office of mayor, Spanio held that of the President of the Biennale from 1954 and that of the President of the Fondazione Giorgio Cini, founded in 1951, from February 10, 1953 until his death . This foundation was founded in 1951 by the entrepreneur and fascist minister Vittorio Cini . It is based on the island of San Giorgio Maggiore and continues to promote studies on the culture of Venice to this day. Spanio took part regularly in its meetings from 1951 at the latest.

Spanio had been married to Contessa Irene di Spilimbergo since 1925. The couple spent the summer in the Palazzo Spilimbergo di Domanins in the municipality of San Giorgio alla Richinvelda near Pordenone .

Web link

  • Angelo Spanio (brief biography on the website of the Fondazione Giorgio Cini)


  1. Il Policlinico: Sezione pratica , Vol. 59.2, Società Editrice Dante Alighieri, 1952, p. 1241.
  2. Ulrico Agnati: La Fondazione Giorgio Cini. Cinquant'anni di storia , Electa, 2001, p. 28.