Enriched category

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In category theory , the concept of the enriched category is a generalization of the concept of the locally small category .

In locally small categories one has a set of morphisms for every two objects , i.e. one object in . The basic idea of ​​enriched categories is that instead of other categories, it should be possible to use other categories for the morphism sets.

For example, it is sometimes useful to view the morphism sets as topological spaces, i.e. as objects in TOP . In general, any monoidal categories can be used to define enriched categories.


is a monoidal category whose structure by monoidal and the arrow families , , is given.

An over enriched category or category has now

  • Objects ,
  • for every two objects one object that serves as a set of morphisms,
  • for each object an arrow in , which is intended to represent the identity arrow in , and
  • for every three objects an arrow in , which is intended for the representation of the composition in .

(Indices an are omitted below if it is for readability.)

The following applies to all suitable indices:

  • ,
  • ,
  • .

Examples and special cases

  • Ordinary locally small categories are -categories, where the monoidal structure is given by the Cartesian product .
  • Preadditive categories are -categories, where is the category of Abelian groups, with the tensor product of Abelian groups as a monoidal structure.
  • The category with two objects and exactly one arrow that is not an identity arrow has all finite products. -Categories are quasi-orders .
  • The partial order of the nonnegative real numbers becomes a monoidal category or with the addition or the formation of the maximum . -Categories are then generalized metric spaces and -categories are generalized ultrametric spaces. The symmetry of the distance function, as well as the property that points must be identical with the distance , are not required.
  • For some , a category is itself , or can be understood as such. For example, this is the case for the category of Abelian groups , whose morphisms are Abelian groups with pointwise addition, or for the category of topological spaces , whose morphisms are topological spaces with the compact open topology . Such are called monoidally closed . If the monoidal structure is that of the Cartesian product , Cartesian is complete .
  • There is exactly one morphism object for a category with exactly one object . This is a monoid object in .

Further definitions


are categories with or as identities and compositions. A function consists of

  • an object map that assigns an object of to each object of , and
  • a family of arrows in .

If the indices are omitted, the following applies:

  • ,
  • .

Natural transformations

are categories with or as identities and compositions. be -functions. The usual definition of natural transformations can be adapted to categories. A natural transformation must specify an arrow for each object that is the component of . It must then for everyone

be valid.

It is also possible to define an object of natural transformations . This is an object in , namely the end


"Elements" of , ie arrows , then represent natural transformations and result from composition with the projections of their components.


  • GM Kelly: Basic Concepts of Enriched Category Theory . In: Lecture Notes in Mathematics 64 . Cambridge University Press, 1982 ( mta.ca [accessed May 30, 2014]).