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Cultural area desert

Anmatyerre is the name of a ethnic and language group of the Aborigines in the Northern Territory .

Anmatyerre land

The traditional Anmatyerre area is 100 kilometers north of Alice Springs in Central Australia . They live in the area of Mount Leichhardt , Hann and Reynold Ranges and northeast of Mount Stuart. Anmatyerre groups live at Nturiya (Old Ti Tree Station), Pmara Jutunta (6 Mile), Willowra, Laramba (Napperby Station), Alyuen and Ti Tree. The traditional area is estimated at 11,200 square kilometers. In this large region, groups of the Warlpiri , Arrernte and Alyawarre live with their own languages.


Well known is the artist Emily Kngwarreye , who achieved a sales price of more than 1 million Australian dollars for one of her paintings. She lives in an artists' settlement in the tribal area called Utopia , which is located 250 kilometers northeast of Alice Springs. This settlement was founded in 1927 in Alyawarrland, part of the Anmatyerreland. This place spawned other significant artists such as Billy Stockman Tjapaltjarri and Clifford Possum Tjapaltjarri , who sold one of his paintings for 2.4 million Australian dollars. There is an exhibition center for the Anmatyerre artists in Sydney.

Alternative names

Alternative names are Anmatyerr, Nmatjera, Unmatjera, Inmatjera, Anmatjara, Urmitchee, Janmadjara, Janmatjiri, Yanmedjara, Yandmadjari, Anmatjera.

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Utopia: Anmatyerre and Alyawarre
  2. ^ Exhibition center of Anmatyerre-Kunst