Ann Forstén

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Ann - Marie Alice Forstén (born April 22, 1939 in Helsinki , † March 28, 2002 in Helsinki) was a Finnish paleontologist . Forstén was a leading expert on fossil horses , mainly concerned with the evolution and systematics of horses . In later work, Forstén also examined the history of Finnish mammals and the use of the animals in prehistoric times.

Forstén defended her dissertation on the extinct Eurasian Hipparion horse in 1968. She worked in the zoo of the University of Helsinki and from 1990 she was head of department and professor at the Natural History Museum Helsinki , which is part of the university.

In 1989 Forstén received the Grand Prize ( Stora priset) of the Oskar Öflund Foundation, an award for young scientists.

Individual evidence

  1. paleontologist and professorn Ann Forsténs (1939–2002) arkiv. (pdf) p. 39 , accessed on November 12, 2019 .
  2. Oscar-Öfund Foundation: Oskar Öflund "Förteckning över mottagarna av Stora priset. Archived from the original on November 12, 2019 ; Retrieved November 12, 2019 (Finnish).