Anna Coliva

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Anna Coliva (born September 5, 1953 in Bologna ) is an Italian art historian and director of the Galleria Borghese in Rome .


Anna Coliva studied art history at the University of Rome with Giulio Carlo Argan , Angiola Maria Romanini and Maurizio Calvesi , graduated in 1977 and completed additional specialist studies in art history. From 1980 onwards she worked for the Ministry of Cultural Property in leading positions in numerous churches and palaces in Parma , Rome and Lazio, and in Rome as the director of the collections of the Palazzo del Quirinale . In this position she directed important restoration work. She has worked at the Borghese Gallery since 1994 , managing its restoration and renovation until it reopened in 1997, and was appointed director in 2006. In the course of the internationalization of director positions in the most important museums in Italy operated by Dario Franceschini , she was confirmed in office in 2015.

She is the author of over a hundred publications, mainly on Bernini , Caravaggio , Domenichino , Parmigianino and Dosso Dossi, as well as paintings from the 16th and 17th centuries in general. In 2013 she was awarded the Legion of Honor by the French President .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Il Direttore | Borghese Gallery - Sito ufficiale. Retrieved March 22, 2019 .
  2. Vittorio Nuti: Anna Coliva alla Galleria Borghese di Roma. In: Il Sole 24 Ore . May 25, 2017, accessed March 22, 2019 (Italian).