Annales valaisannes

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The Annales valaisannes are a Swiss journal on cultural history. As a rule, it publishes articles in French in three issues a year on the history and folklore of the canton of Valais , preferably on the French-speaking Lower Valais; the counterpart for the German-speaking Upper Valais are the sheets for Valais history , the third cantonal publication series for history are the Vallesia , the yearbook of the Valais State Archives .

Editor and content

The magazine has been published since 1916 by the Société d'histoire du Valais romand , which was founded the previous year .

She publishes new works on the local and regional history of the Valais, which often also deal with aspects of Swiss and European history; this is particularly true of the history of the Alpine region and the county and duchy of Savoy , to which the Lower Valais belonged until the early modern period. Studies of transit traffic over the Valais Alpine passes are important for international economic history. More recently, the yearbooks have regularly published works on the prehistory and early history of the canton, and articles on the old Franco-Provencal Valais patois and dialectology have rarely been published.


  • Pierre Reichenbach: Le rôle des sociétés d'histoire et des archives de l'Etat du Valais in l'historiographie valaisanne. In: Annales valaisannes , 1996.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ François-Augustin Diesbach, André Donnet: La relation de François-Augustin de Diesbach, seigneur de Torny, sur le renouvellement de l'alliance entre les Sept Cantons Catholiques et les Dizains du Valais in 1681, à Sion. In: Annales valaisannes , 1948, pp. 365-383.
  2. Emile Biollay: Pour le 150e anniversaire de la réunion du Valais à la Suisse: Des 13 cantons du département (1813) aux 13 dizains du canton (1815). In: Annales valaisannes , 1965, pp. 11-52.
  3. ^ Marie José of Belgium : Le Valais et les Savoie au début du 15e siècle. In: Annales valaisannes , 1962, pp. 283-300.
  4. Le Valais, passage international. In: Annales valaisannes , 2, 1918.
  5. ^ Paul Perrin: Les débuts du chemin de fer en Valais. In: Annales valaisannes , 1961, pp. 63-204.
  6. For example: François Wiblé : Martigny-Forum Claudii Vallensium, nouvelles recherches archéologiques (1974-1975) . In: Annales valaisannes , 1975.
  7. Basile Luyet : Dictons de Savièse. In: Annales valaisannes , 1927.
  8. ^ Pierre Reichenbach: Monsieur Ernest Schüle (1912-1989), linguiste et dialectologue. In: Annales valaisannes , 1990, pp. 19-20.