Anne-Claude Demierre

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Anne-Claude Demierre, 2012.

Anne-Claude Demierre (born August 16, 1961 in Friborg , resident in Mézières ) is a Swiss politician ( SP ) and State Councilor for the canton of Friborg .

Catholic, from Mézières. Her parents are Jacques Passalli, typographer, and Marie-Louise nee. Bruges. In 1983 she married Nicolas Demierre. The couple have three children and they live in La Tour-de-Trême . After attending schools in Bulle, Anne-Claude Demierre acquired a federal certificate of proficiency as a bookseller in 1979. She practiced this profession at the Musée gruérien in Bulle and at the same time worked as an accounting secretary in an SME in the Glane district. When her brother-in-law Maurice Demierre was murdered in Nicaragua in 1986, she decided to become politically active.

From 1991 to 2006 she headed various departments (schools, social affairs, culture, sport and tourism) in La Tour-de-Trême and - after the merger of the two municipalities - in Bulle as a councilor. From 1996 to 2006 she was a member of the Gruyère district in the Grand Council, which she presided over in 2005. Their attempts primarily concerned the better information of social benefit recipients about their rights and the promotion of the early detection of breast cancer.

Elected to the Council of State in 2006, Anne-Claude Demierre took over the Directorate for Health and Social Affairs. She was responsible for various important dossiers, such as the creation of the Freiburg hospital (HFR) and the Freiburg network for mental health, of which she chaired the boards of directors. She submitted the law on maternity contributions (in force since June 1, 2011) and the law on childcare facilities outside the family to the Grand Council. In addition, it is thanks to her that the social counter was set up, which she had already requested as a member of the council.

Anne-Claude Demierre is a member of the Swiss Conference of Cantonal Social Directors and the Board of Trustees of Health Promotion Switzerland.

Confronted with the people's initiative “Fumée passive et santé”, they introduced a counter-project (vote on November 30, 2008) and a law that banned passive smoking in public places.

Current projects include additional benefits for families, the revision of the policy in favor of elderly people with disabilities and the fight against poverty. Anne-Claude Demierre also launched the action plan for health promotion and prevention (diet and physical activity, mental health and framework conditions). She was re-elected in the 2011 State Council elections. In 2012 she was Vice-President of the State Council.


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