Annelore Köster-Pflugmacher

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Annelore Köster-Pflugmacher (born March 19, 1919 in Königsberg (Prussia) as Annelore Trapp ; † August 12, 2002 ) was a German chemist and professor of chemistry.

Live and act

Köster-Pflugmacher was born in Königsberg. She met her first husband, Dietrich Pflugmacher, at the University of Königsberg and married him in 1941. In July 1943 she became a widow. In 1945 she fled the invasion of the Russian troops from Königsberg to the west. She found her second professional home in 1950 in Aachen . In 1962 she married the chemist Alfred Köster. Since 1964 she lived in Langenfeld (Rhineland) and lived there until her death.

Scientific education and career

Annelore Köster-Pflugmacher studied chemistry at the Albertus University in Königsberg from 1937 and received her doctorate there at the Institute for Inorganic Chemistry under Robert Schwarz . Her research focus was halogen compounds . In her dissertation she devoted herself to silicon iodides . Köster-Pflugmacher received the degree of Doctor of Natural Sciences from the University of Königsberg on November 21, 1942. From July 1942 to November 1944 she was a research assistant at the Chemical Institute of the University of Königsberg.

In April 1950, Köster-Pflugmacher succeeded her doctoral supervisor Robert Schwarz, who had meanwhile been offered a position at RWTH Aachen University . She became a research assistant at the Institute for Inorganic Chemistry and Electrochemistry and received her habilitation on bromine oxides . She received the Venia legendi at the Inorganic Institute on May 22, 1953.

Annelore Köster-Pflugmacher was appointed adjunct professor on February 16, 1960, Scientific Councilor on May 23, 1961 and Scientific Councilor and Professor on July 1, 1970. She devoted her research to the bromine oxides, boron subbromides, two-, three- and four- nuclear organo-Germans , as well as germanium- nitrogen compounds. The main focus of her teaching activities were lectures for students of mechanical engineering, mining, metallurgy and chemistry as a teacher.

From 1961 she was the editor of the new editions of the book by Gaston Charlot's Qualitative Rapid Analysis of Cations and Anions in German.

Köster-Pflugmacher retired on March 31, 1981. Her students included Hubertus Nickel from the Jülich nuclear research center .

RWTH Aachen recognized her post-doctoral thesis in 2010 in the calendar 100 Years of Women's Studies at RWTH .


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Helmut Werner: History of Inorganic Chemistry , Wiley & Sons, 2016, p. 158