Annette (Goethe)

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Facsimile of one page of the manuscript

The book Annette is the title of a collection of 19 poems and prose pieces that Johann Wolfgang Goethe wrote as a sixteen-year-old student in Leipzig . It was named after his girlfriend Anna Katharina Schönkopf .

Origin and content

Goethe wrote the collection of poems Annette in 1767 while studying in Leipzig . The namesake was his girlfriend Anna Katharina Schönkopf. His friend Ernst Wolfgang Behrisch created a private fair copy and provided it with vignettes .

The book Annette consists of 19 pieces, of which 15 are poems and four are short stories, and these are shorter prose texts with inserted verses. All texts are written in the anacreontic rococo style , their theme is love, whether in the Arcadia of the shepherd's poetry or in Goethe's Leipzig.

In 1768 Goethe and Schönkopf separated. After an illness, Goethe returned to Frankfurt.


The volume came to Luise von Göchhausen , who was associated with Goethe at the court of Anna Amalia von Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach and was one of the contributors to the Journal von Tiefurt . After her death in 1807, it was donated to the Goethe and Schiller Archive in 1894 .

The first printing took place in 1896 in the 37th volume of Goethe's works, the Weimar or Sophien edition.

In 1923 a facsimile edition of the manuscript was published by Insel-Verlag , which saw a second edition in 1965.


  • Bernhard Ludwig Suphan: The book Annette . In: Deutsche Rundschau . 1895, p. 139-144 ( ).

Web links

Wikisource: Annette  - text after the first edition