Annina Volonterio

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Annina Volonterio (born November 17, 1888 in Locarno ; † April 17, 1972 ibid) was a Swiss high school teacher and writer in the canton of Ticino .


Annina Volonterio, daughter of the lawyer, mayor of Locarno and Ticino State Councilor (1897-1901) Giovan Battista Volonterio and the Rosa Margaretha Ravené, attended the schools in Locarno and studied at the University of Freiburg , where she started a thesis on the position of women in PhD in literature of the 14th century . She then taught Italian and French language and history at the cantonal schools in Locarno until 1948 . She chose to remain single because of a hereditary disease diagnosed in the family.

As a writer, Volonterio has worked for various publishers in Switzerland and Italy since 1931 and published them regularly in magazines, primarily on literary and folklore topics. Her favorite subjects included the oral legend tradition, aspects of religious folklore and the image of women in literature and society. She also worked as a translator. As a committed feminist , she was involved in various organizations that advocate women's rights. Finally, Annina Volonterio bequeathed her home in Locarno to a foundation that runs the Casa riposo Annina Volonterio there .


  • Eterno Femminino Trecentesco. Locarno 1916.
  • Gesù tra i pastori. Legend. Pavia 1930.
  • Santa Chiara d'Assisi. Pavia 1932.
  • Il giornale di Fiocchino. Milano 1935.
  • Suor Maria Celeste Galilei. Torino 1936.
  • Genzianelle. Novella delle montagne. Bellinzona 1938.
  • Rose Mariane nel Ticino. Locarno 1940.
  • Profili di donne svizzere. Lugano 1946.
  • Passa la mamma. Bellinzona 1954.
  • L'amico Fufì. Zurich 1954, Schweizerisches Jugendschriftenwerk , No. 504, with illustrations by Josef Keller
  • Piccolo mondo antico locarnese. Locarno 1958.
  • Donne nella vita di Alessandro Manzoni . Torino 1960.
  • Ali e zampette. Per far conoscere, per far amare. Bellinzona 1964.
  • La scodella di Marianna. Bellinzona 1967.


  • Franca Cleis: Ermiza e le altre. Il percorso della scrittura femminile nella Svizzera italiana con bibliografia degli scritti e biography delle autrici. Torino 1993, pp. 226-229, 379-381.
  • Mario Frasa: Anna Volonterio. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland . July 18, 2012 , accessed January 19, 2020 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ List of the city presidents of Locarno
  2. ^ Femmes suisses et le Mouvement féministe. Organe officiel des informations de l'Alliance de Sociétés Féminines Suisses , 51, 1963, p. 4.