Annobón spectacle bird

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Annobón spectacle bird
Order : Passerines (Passeriformes)
Subordination : Songbirds (passeri)
Superfamily : Sylvioidea
Family : Spectacled birds (Zosteropidae)
Genre : Zosterops
Type : Annobón spectacle bird
Scientific name
Zosterops griseovirescens
Barboza du Bocage , 1893

The Annobón spectacled bird ( Zosterops griseovirescens ) is a species of bird in the spectacled family . It is endemic to Annobón Island, southwest of São Tomé in the Gulf of Guinea .


The Annobón spectacle bird reaches a size of 12 centimeters, a wing length of 6.2 centimeters and a tail length of 2.1 centimeters. The top is gray with a faint greenish tinge. The head is dark olive green. The under tail-coverts are yellow. The underside is white, throat and middle of the abdomen are washed out sulfur yellow. The under tail-coverts are intense yellow. The flanks are yellow with a brownish tinge. The under wing-coverts are white. The wings and control springs are dark brown with yellow-green outer edges. A white eye ring runs around the brown iris. The beak is black. The feet are brown. His singing consists of rapid plic-plic-pic tones with an accompanying buzz and trill.

Habitat and way of life

The Annobón spectacled bird has a very small distribution area of ​​around 15 km². It inhabits scrub and woodland, including primary and secondary forests, as well as plantations and cultivated areas. It searches for food in groups of two to ten individuals and feeds on invertebrates.


BirdLife International classifies the Annobón spectacled bird with a population of 1000 to 2500 specimens as endangered ( vulnerable ). Due to the tiny species area, the greatest threat is random events such as storms or fires. It is unclear whether changes in the habitat, such as the creation of fruit plantations, oil palm plantations and sugar cane plantations, endanger the survival, as the species colonized the plantations and many of these plantations have now been abandoned.


  • Otto Finsch : The animal kingdom. Delivery 15: Zosteropidae. Friedländer, Berlin 1901.
  • MJS Harrison: A recent survey of the birds of Pagalu (Annobon). In: Malimbus. Issue April 11, 1990, ISSN  0331-3689 , pp. 135-143.

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