Attack in Whakatāne

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On February 4, 2016, an attack in Whakatāne damaged the constituency office of the Minister for Social Development , Anne Tolley , in the city of Whakatāne , in the northeast of the North Island of New Zealand .

Sequence of events

Strangers threw two Molotov cocktails into the minister's office through a previously damaged glass door . The police and fire brigade were notified around 6:10 a.m. The fire caused little property damage, but the damage caused by the smoke was considerable. A graffiti next to the entrance to the office indicated the reason for the attack. " Fuck TPPA & Jhon Key " was sprayed on the building with the first name of then Prime Minister John Key misspelled. The attack was presumably intended to express the protest against the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement , also known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA). The police did not receive a letter of confession. The perpetrators remained undetected.

The day before, a peaceful protest against the agreement took place in Whakatāne . The day after the attack, those responsible for the protest came to the minister and made it clear that they opposed this type of protest.

The attack was preceded by an attack on the then Minister of Defense Gerry Brownlee's office in Christchurch three days earlier , in which strangers spilled gasoline on the premises of his office.

Individual evidence

  1. 'Not much IQ' behind arson attack on MP . In: The Gisbirne Herald . February 5, 2016, accessed March 17, 2019 .
  2. Sam Sachdeva, Libby Wilson : Anne Tolley 'shaken' after Molotov cocktail attack on her office . In: 1 news now . TVNZ , February 4, 2016, accessed on March 17, 2019 .
  3. ^ Sam Sachdeva, Libby Wilson : Government minister Anne Tolley's office firebombed . In: Stuff Politics . Fairfax Media , February 5, 2016, accessed March 17, 2019 .
  4. Nicholas Jones : Attack on Anne Tolley's office likely to result in arrests . In: New Zealand Herald . NZME. Publishing , February 5, 2016, accessed March 17, 2019 .
  5. ^ Blair Ensor : Vandals attack MP Gerry Brownlee's Christchurch office . In: Stuff Politics . Fairfax Media , February 1, 2016, accessed March 17, 2019 .