Antef (General)

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Antef (general) in hieroglyphics
W25 N35

Jnj jtj = f

Antef was a troop commander in the ancient Egyptian 11th dynasty under Mentuhotep II and lived around 2000 BC. Chr.

supporting documents

Antef is from his grave decorated ( TT386 ) in Thebes and today in Copenhagen located stele known. The cult rooms of the tomb were painted in the front area and decorated with reliefs in the back . The actual cult chapel in the rearmost part of the complex was again clad with fine limestone and then painted. Some of the paintings were well preserved, but most of the reliefs fell victim to stone robbers. During the excavation the upper part of a statue and in the robbed burial chamber his undecorated sarcophagus were found. His tomb is one of the few better preserved tombs of the 11th Dynasty.

His life

Not much is known about his life. Antef carried, among other things, the titles "royal sealer", "troop commander" and "troop commander in the whole country". Its dating results from the name of the king who is mentioned at the grave entrance. The tomb also depicts the conquest of an Asian city or fortress, indicating its military activities.


  • Brigitte Jaroš-Deckert : The grave of Jnj-jtj.f: The wall paintings of the XI. Dynasty (= excavation in Asasif. Vol. 5) (= Archaeological Publications, German Archaeological Institute, Cairo Department. (AV) Vol. 12). von Zabern, Mainz 1984, ISBN 3-8053-0041-7 .