Anthony Maglica

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Anthony Maglica (* 1930 in New York City ) is an American inventor . He produces the Mag-lite flashlights.

During the " Great Depression " his mother decided to return to her homeland, Yugoslavia . He spent his youth on the island of Zlarin .

After the Second World War , Anthony decided in 1950 to leave economically troubled Yugoslavia and return to America. Without sufficient language skills, he initially worked as a machinist and learned English.

In his spare time he worked for himself, achieving a high savings rate . With a savings of 125 dollars, he opened his own machine shop in a garage in Los Angeles and experimented a lot there.

He began to manufacture machine parts for industry, aviation and also for the military. In 1974 he founded Mag Instrument Inc. for innovative products. The popular Maglite series of flashlights was also created here .

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