Anthophora aestivalis

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Anthophora aestivalis
Anthophora aestivalis male possible (44246349454) .jpg

Anthophora aestivalis

Class : Insects (Insecta)
Order : Hymenoptera (Hymenoptera)
Superfamily : Apoidea
Family : Apidae
Genre : Anthophora
Type : Anthophora aestivalis
Scientific name
Anthophora aestivalis
( Tank , 1801)

Anthophora aestivalis is a bee from the family of Apidae .


The bees are 14 to 15 millimeters long. The head, thorax and the first two tergites are brownish-haired in females. The transverse band on the mesonotum and the hairs on the third to fifth tergite are black. The second to fourth tergites have white hair ties on the back. The splint brush ( Scopa ) is white. The cheeks are as long as the third antennae is wide in the middle. The males have yellow markings on their faces. The hair on the thorax and the first two tergites is red-brown, on the third to seventh tergite it is black. The heel peg (metatarsus) of the middle legs and the claw pegs of these legs have black hair fringes in front and behind. In the males, too, the cheeks are as long as the third antennae is wide in the middle. On the seventh tergite they have a pygidial plate .

Occurrence and way of life

The species is common in southern and central Europe. It flies from early April to late August. The females create their nests in the ground. Pollen, however, at different plant families mainly leguminous plants collected (Fabaceae). Melecta luctuosa has been identified as a cuckoo bee of the species.

supporting documents

Felix Amiet, M. Herrmann, A. Müller, R. Neumeyer: Fauna Helvetica 20: Apidae 5 . Center Suisse de Cartographie de la Faune, 2007, ISBN 978-2-88414-032-4 .

Web links