Antique dress from Athens

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Antikleides von Athen (also Antiklides ) was an ancient Greek historian . He lived in the 2nd half of the 4th century BC. BC or in the 3rd century BC Chr .; in any case, he was still alive after the death of Alexander the Great (323 BC).

At least four works can be ascribed to him with some certainty. None of them have survived, but some fragments indicate the content:

1. Peri Noston ( On Coming Home ) was an account of the homecoming of various ancient Greek expeditions. The remark of the ancient dress cited by Strabo about the Pelasgians probably comes from this work.

2. Deliaká , with information about Delos .

3. Exegeticus , seems to have been a kind of dictionary that provided explanations for understanding words and phrases used in older texts.

4. About Alexander , an Alexander story, of which the second book in Diogenes Laertius is mentioned and partially quoted, but whose value and tendency cannot be assessed.

Text output

Felix Jacoby (Ed.): The Fragments of the Greek Historians (FGrHist) No. 140.



  1. ^ Plutarch , Alexander 46.
  2. Athenaios 4.46; 9.33; 11.15.
  3. ^ Strabon, Geographika 5, 221.
  4. Scholion to Apollonios of Rhodes , Argonautika 1, 1207 and 1, 1289.
  5. Athenaios 11:46; the view that Antikleides was the author of this work is rejected by Eduard Schwartz (RE I, 2, Sp. 2426); after four other places in the works of ancient writers, the author of Exegeticus was rather called Autokleides.
  6. Diogenes Laertius 8, 11.