Antonin Hajn

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Antonin Hajn

Antonín Hajn (born July 24, 1868 in Solnice , Bohemia , † March 26, 1949 ) was a Czech journalist and politician.


Antonín Hajn, son of a carpenter, studied history at the Philosophical Faculty of Prague University . He later became a journalist. In 1893, he was imprisoned and one of the four founders of the movement Omladina v únoru , together with Karel Stanislav Sokol , Josef Škába and Alois Rašín to 18 months heavy prison convicted.

From 1907 to 1911 he was a member of the National Democratic Party ( Národně democická strana ) member of the Imperial Council and the Bohemian Landtag . He belonged to the reform movement in Bohemia at the end of the 19th century. He was interested in social issues. He endeavored to bring young students and workers together. After the movement collapsed, he became the co-founder and soul of the radical progress movement.

His brother, Alois Hajn , was a member of the progressive youth movement, a publicist, journalist and an official of the Social Democratic Party ( Sociálně Demokratieická strana ).


From 1889 to 1892 he published the student magazine Časopis českého studenstva together with Sokol . After their ban, he went to the newly founded newspaper Neodvislost (independence). In 1908 both publish the party newspaper of the state-law progressive Samostatnost party (independence). 1905–1909 he also edited the magazine Pokroková revue (Progress Review ).


  • O. Urban: Česká společnost 1848–1918. Prague 1982