Anton Abbot

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Anton Abt (born December 26, 1841 in Seelenberg ( Schmitten ), † February 16, 1895 in Limburg an der Lahn ) was a Roman Catholic theologian and narrator. He wrote his fiction works under the pseudonym Walter von Münich .


Anton Abt was the son of Johannes Josef Abt, owner of a hammer mill , and Elisabeth Wagner. His younger brother Ludwig Abt was also a priest. His sister Caroline Jakobine Abt was the mother of drilling pioneer Anton Raky .


Anton Abt attended the secondary school in Bad Schwalbach and from 1855 the grammar school in Hadamar . From 1861 to 1864 he studied theology and philosophy at the Episcopal Seminary in Mainz and at the Seminary in Limburg. He was ordained priest in 1864. He was initially a chaplain in Hadamar, Limburg an der Lahn and Montabaur. In 1870 he founded a private high school in Oberlahnstein , of which he was the rector. In 1873 the school was taken over by the city.

During the Kulturkampf , he moved to Romania in October 1875, where he became Apostolic Missionary and General Secretary of the Latin Archbishop there. He was also the inspector of the episcopal schools there, was in charge of the Catholic girls' schools of the Institutes of the English Misses until the end of 1882 and was the confessor of the Institute of St. Mary.

After his return to Germany, Anton Abt was assistant chaplain in Frankfurt am Main and in 1884 he became pastor in Königstein . From 1885 he worked as cathedral capitular and city pastor in Limburg .


  • The Catholic Church in Romania, especially in Wallachia, as well as in Bulgaria. A historical and statistical sketch. Woerl, Würzburg 1879
  • Overview of the history of the Catholic school system in the Dioceses of Nicopolis and Bucharest. Göbl, Bucharest 1880
  • Report on the Roman Catholic Episcopal Schools for Boys for the school years 1879-1880 together with an overview of the history of the Catholic school system in the Dioceses of Nicoplis and Bucharest , Bucharest 1880
  • The secrets of the painful rosary in seven reflections on fasting. Woerl, Würzburg 1878, 2nd edition 1891
  • Funeral speech for the late parish priest Ernst Franz August Munzenberger, cathedral capitular and bishop. Commissarius, held in the Hohen Dome in Frankfurt aM on December 26, 1890 by A. Abt. Foesser, Frankfurt 1891

Fiction literature (under the name Walter von Münich)

  • The inheritance of millions. A purring story. Benziger, Einsiedeln 1884
  • Through the newspaper. Oddities from a person's résumé. Benziger, Einsiedeln 1885
  • Funny stories from the Rhine. As told by Walter von Münich. Collected and published by Ludwig Abbot Paulinus, Trier 1899


  • Johannes Cassianus : Twelve books of the institutions of the monasteries. Translated from the original text by Antonius Abbot Kösel, Kempten 1877


  • Otto Renkhoff : Nassau biography: short biographies from 13 centuries . Historical Commission for Nassau, Wiesbaden 1985, ISBN 3-922244-68-8 . P. 2
  • Rainer Merkens, Hubert Rütten, Christoph Stolzenberger: The Myth of Raky. From Erkelenz into the world. (Documentation for the exhibition from August 31st to October 28th, 2012 in Haus Spiess in Erkelenz) Heimatverein der Erkelenzer Lande eV, Erkelenz 2013, ISBN 978-3-9815182-3-8

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Lahnsteiner Altertumsverein: Public Sector - Bodewig Museum: History up to 1945 ( Memento from April 3, 2009 in the Internet Archive )