Anton Gallizian

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Anton Gallizian was an early paper manufacturer in Basel .


Antonius Galliciani, Germanized Anton Gallizian, came from Casella (Liguria) and worked as an employee in the first paper mill operated by Heinrich Halbisen in Basel. In 1452 he and his wife Adelheid Tschan bought a hemp grater on the Rümelinbach in front of the Steinentor in Basel. In 1453 he exchanged them with the hammer forge in the St Alban valley , which he had converted into a paper mill . In the last quarter of 1453 he paid the pound duty for the first time - as an indication that by then he had already started paper production. In 1457 he and his brothers were granted citizenship in Basel. In the next generation, the Gallizian family rose to become one of the richest and most powerful families in Basel.

Today the building, known as the Gallizian Mill, houses the Swiss Museum for Paper, Writing and Printing .


  • Basler Papiermühle, Journal No. 4, Winter 2014.
  • Pierre Louis van der Haegen: The early Basel printing: economic, socio-political and information systematic location factors and framework conditions. Basel 2001.
  • René Teuteberg : Basel history. 2nd edition Basel 1988, p. 167 f.

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