Anton Guffanti

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Anton Guffanti (* 1828 in Cologne , † 1904 in Brussels ) was a Cologne landowner, art collector and patron. He donated a workshop for the disabled in Cologne and Niederberg the foundation for a new building for the Church of St. John the Baptist .

Anton Guffanti was the son of the Cologne broker Winand Guffanti († 1865) and Maria Gertrud, geb. Kramer († 1863), who traded land in and around Cologne. This was a multiple landowner and castle owner u. a. the Lauvenburg near Zülpich and the Gertrudenhof, which he built on Rodeland des Niederberger Busches and named after his wife. After his death Anton inherited the Gertrudenhof and also bought Niederberg Castle . Anton had seven siblings.


In 1886 he gave over 8 hectares of this Gertrudenhof to the parish fund of the Catholic community in Niederberg, so that a suitable pastor could be found. He also contributed to the cost of building a new rectory. Most recently, he made available 50,000 marks for the new building of the Church of St. John the Baptist . In his will in 1904 he bequeathed around 300,000 marks to the city of Cologne from his large real estate and cash worth 628,000 marks "for the establishment and maintenance of a house for the crippled".

On May 6, 1915, the city council in Cologne decided to use the foundation funds to build a building called the "Guffanti-Haus" on the site of the already existing " Stiftung Dormagen " and to add the Guffanti-Haus to the Dormagen's "Krüppelheim" building. affiliate. Today the foundations are grouped together.

In 1906 the Wallraf-Richartz-Museum acquired a number of paintings from Peter Joseph Guffanti, Brussels, as a bequest of Anton Guffanti.


  • Stadtcölnische Heil- und Lehranstalt für Krüppel Foundation Dr. Dormagen with workshop and apprentice home Anton Guffanti Foundation. Schauberg, Cologne approx. 1917 (24 pages).
  • Catalog of the posthumous art collection of Mr Anton Guffanti, a pensioner from Cologne who died in Brussels, and from other property. Auction in Cologne, November 14th to 15th, 1907 under the direction of Peter Hanstein, Lempertz, Cologne 1907 ( digitized version ).
  • Theodor Brock: Foundation Dr. Dormagen and the Guffanti Foundation according to their history, achievements and successes. Dissertation, University of Cologne, Cologne 1941.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Peter Simons : Niederberg. History of his Domdechantischen rule and the castle . Euskirchen 1934, p. 26.
  2. Simons p. 37 ff.
  3. Simons, p. 15.
  4. Example and source