Anton Johann Krocker

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Anton Johann Krocker , also Antonius Johannes Krocker , (* 1744 in Schönau near Oberglogau , † 1823 in Breslau ) was a German doctor and botanist who worked in Breslau.

life and work

Anton Johann Krocker was born into the family of a freehold owner. His father gave him a very good education. First he attended the Franziskaner-Gymnasium in Leobschütz . He then went to the Jesuit grammar school in Olomouc . In 1763 his father sent him to Breslau , where he completed a private medical degree with practicing doctors. In 1766 Krocke went to Vienna and continued his medical studies with Gerard van Swieten and Anton de Haen .

In 1769 Krocker settled in Breslau as a doctor. Not only was he interested in medicine, but in 1751 he was very interested in the publication of Linné's Philosophia Botanica . He grew increasingly into botany and came up with the plan to write a "Flora Silesiaca". He began to create collections of plants, but hesitated with his actual project, as Count Matuschka was also working on a Flora Silesiaca . When he died in 1779, Krocker pushed his own project. In 1787 he published the first part of his Flora Silesiaca . A total of five volumes of the "Flora Silesiaca: renovata, emendata, continens plantas Silesiae indigenas, de novo descriptas, ultra nongentas, circa mille auctas, Breslau 1787 ff."

Later, Krocke became a member of the natural research societies in Halle and Bern. Krocke went blind in old age and finally died in Breslau in 1823.

Anton Johann Krocker had given 116 plants (mainly seed plants) a botanical name. His botanical author's abbreviation is “ Krock. ".


  • Anton Johann Krocker In: Jonas Grätzer: Pictures of life of outstanding Silesian doctors from the last four centuries . S. Schottländer, Breslau 1889, p. 89-91 .

Web links

 Wikispecies: Anton Johann Krocker  - Species Directory

Individual evidence

  1. Life data (year of birth and death) according to GND. Jonas Grätzer gives the year of birth 1742 in his work.
  2. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p Jonas Grätzer, 1889: Anton Johann Krocker.
  3. a b IPNI