Anton Rebhan

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Anton Rebhan (born March 10, 1960 in Gaspoltshofen ) is an Austrian theoretical physicist .

Rebhan is the son of an electrician and completed his Matura at a Werkschulheim with simultaneous training as a radio and television technician . His interest in theoretical physics awoke with him through studying philosophical works. From 1979 he studied technical physics at the Technical University of Vienna (TU Wien) with a degree in engineering in 1984. He received his doctorate in theoretical physics in 1988 under Wolfgang Kummer at the University of Vienna . In 1987 he was a visiting scientist at the Lebedev Institutein Moscow and from 1986 to 1989 university assistant at the Vienna University of Technology. At the same time he did his military service . From 1990 to 1992 he was at CERN (theory department) and for half a year at the French particle research center in Annecy , completed his habilitation in 1992 at the Vienna University of Technology, was a deputy professor at Bielefeld University in 1993 and was at the German Electron Synchrotron (DESY) from 1993 to 1995. in Hamburg. In 1996 he became assistant professor and in 1998 associate professor for theoretical physics at the Vienna University of Technology. Rebhan has been a full professor since 2008. He heads the Working Group on Fundamental Interactions .

He deals with quantum field theory, for example thermal quantum field theory with application to the quark-gluon plasma , supersymmetric solitons , partly in collaboration with Peter van Nieuwenhuizen and cosmological perturbation theory. His group was one of the first to apply the theory of plasma instabilities to quark-gluon plasmas. They also considered the dual gravitation theory of supersymmetrical Yang-Mills plasmas via AdS-CFT and showed that the quark-gluon plasma may fall below a universal lower limit for the viscosity of liquids assumed by Dam Than Son and colleagues in 2004 .

In 2011 he became a corresponding member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, whose Erich Schmid Prize he received in 1990. In 1990 he received the Victor Hess Prize of the Austrian Physical Society for his dissertation.

He is co-author of a series of textbooks on theoretical physics published by Spektrum-Verlag.


  • with Matthias Bartelmann , Björn Feuerbacher, Timm Krüger, Dieter Lüst , Andreas Wipf : Theoretical Physics, Springer Spectrum 2015 (with mathematical contributions by Florian Modler and Martin Kreh)
    • Also in four individual volumes (Volume 1 Mechanics, Volume 2 Electrodynamics, Volume 3 Quantum Mechanics, Volume 4 Thermodynamics and Statistics) 2018
  • Editor with others: Fundamental interactions: a memorial volume for Wolfgang Kummer, World Scientific 2009
  • Editor with others: Strings, gauge fields, and the geometry behind: the legacy of Maximilian Kreuzer, World Scientific 2013

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Anton Rebhan, Dominik Steineder, Violation of the Holographic Viscosity Bound in a Strongly Coupled Anisotropic Plasma, Phys. Rev. Lett., Volume 108, 2012, p. 021601, abstract
  2. See holographic principle , chapter Applications