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Werkschulheim (WSH)
type of school
Country Austria
Type of school (general) combined general and vocational school
ISCED level 4A
Classification (national) General education / General education / Realgymnasium  (133.1 / 2)
School board Private
Duration 9 years
Levels : 4th – 13th School level, 1. – 9. Class,
standard age 10-19
Graduation Mature and diploma exam
number 2 (2011/12) 
lower level according to the general curriculum AHS lower level

The Werkschulheim is a combined general and vocational higher school form in Austria.

The school type is a special form of the Realgymnasium , but also offers technical vocational training comparable to an HTL . She therefore has an additional 13th school year (9th grade). It concludes with the Reife- und Diplomprüfung , ie with the Matura and “ journeyman's certificate ” with trade license .

There are only two types of school in Austria:

Individual evidence

  1. a b Austrian school systematics , status 2011/12
  2. ^ Protestant grammar school and Werkschulheim with public rights