Anton von Haberler

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Anton von Haberler (no year)

Anton Ritter von Haberler Czech Antonín von Haberler (born January 7, 1796 in Brno , Habsburg Empire ; died November 3, 1873 in Brno, Austria-Hungary ) was an Austrian politician and mayor of Brno.


Anton Haberler comes from the German bourgeoisie in Brno. His father Joseph Haberler was a city doctor in Brno.

Haberler studied philosophy and law in Brno and entered service in the Moravian-Silesian regional administration in 1816. In 1829 he became a Moravian-Silesian district administrator, and in 1836 an appeal councilor. Haberler belonged to the Moravian Landtag in 1848/49 . In 1850 he became a higher regional judge.

Haberler was elected to the Brno Municipal Committee and in 1851 was appointed the first mayor of the newly formed large municipality of Brno. In 1854 he was still the first councilor of the newly organized Moravian-Silesian Higher Regional Court.

When he retired in 1855, Haberler was knighted for his services to the city of Brno. Haberlergasse , named after him in 1877, was renamed Seminářská in Czechoslovakia in 1918 and Smetanastrasse in 1921 .


Web links

  • Anton von Haberler in the Encyklopedie dějin města Brna (Encyclopedia of the History of the City of Brno)

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Haberlergasse in the Encyklopedie dějin města Brna