Antonijs Urbšs

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Antonijs Urbšs (born November 29, 1879 in Pandélys , Lithuania ; † August 11, 1965 in the Montserrat Monastery , Spain ;) was a Roman Catholic clergyman and bishop of the Liepāja diocese in Latvia .


Antonijs Urbšs received on March 22, 1903 by the Archbishop of Mohilev Bolesław Hieronim Kłopotowski the sacrament of Holy Orders .

On April 29, 1938, Pope Pius XI appointed him bishop of Liepāja. The episcopal ordination received his Archbishop Antonino Arata with the assistance of Bishops Jāzeps Rancans and Boleslav Sloskans . After Soviet troops occupied Latvia in 1940, Bishop Urbšs was harassed by the Soviets, and after the invasion of German troops in 1941 by the Germans. After Latvia was reoccupied by the Red Army in 1944, he had to go into exile, as did his fellow bishops Jāzeps Rancāns and Boļeslavs Sloskāns. Initially, he found acceptance in Germany. From 1949 he lived mostly in the Montserrat monastery.

As a council father Antonijs Urbšs took part in the first two sessions of the Second Vatican Council .

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  1. ^ A b Latvian Bishop Dies in Exile . In: The Tablet , September 4, 1965, p. 21.
  2. Henriks Trūps-Trops: Latvijas romas katoļu Baznı̄ca komunisma gados, 1940–1990 . Rı̄gas Romas Katoļu Metropolijas Kūrija, Riga 1992.
predecessor Office successor
- Bishop of Liepāja
Jānis Bulis