Antonio Maria Arrighi

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Antonio Maria Arrighi (* 1689 in Corte on Corsica ; † around 1760) was an Italian legal scholar .


Antonio Maria Arrighi came from a Corsican family related by marriage to the Bonaparte family. He studied at the University of Padua , where he received his doctorate in civil law and canon law . At the same university he was appointed professor of the Jus Pontificium in 1727 , that branch of canon law that deals with the decretals and statutes of the popes and is to be distinguished from the Jus Conciliare , which deals with the canons and decisions of the councils . A few years later Arrighi received the chair of civil law, which he held until at least 1753. In 1741 he was made an honorary citizen of Venice by a resolution of the Venetian Senate .

Arrighi wrote the following works:

  • Oratio de repetendis fontibus Juris Pontificii, habita in Gymnasio Patavino , Padua 1727
  • De Jure Pontificum universo Acroases IV. Habitae in Gymnasio Patavino, mense Novembri, 1727 , Padua 1728
  • Juris Pontificiii Historia quatuor disputationibus comprehensa. Accesserunt Orationes tres: i. Pro jurisdictione Pontificum; ii. De Ecclesiis suburbicariis; iii. De Agro limitato , Padua 1731
  • De Vita et Rebus Gestis Francisi Mauroceni, Peloponnesiaci Principis Venetorum Libri IV , Padua 1749

The latter work, a biography of Francesco Morosini , received praise for being written in a style appropriate to the subject. Arrighi's expert books on papal jurisprudence were useful not only to canon lawyers but also to church history students . They discussed the views of eminent Roman Catholic jurists regarding the extent of papal authority in the field of jurisprudence and discipline and were taught at the University of Venice in Padua with the approval of the Venetian Senate, a body that has never been lenient to Vatican influence was inclined.

Arrighi also left several writings in manuscript form:

  • De Bello Cyprio Libri V
  • Disputationes Academicae quae versantur de Jure Pontificum
  • De Vita Caroli Ruzzini Liber (biography of the Venetian Doge Carlo Ruzzini )
  • Disputationes Academicae XIV (on Roman Law )
  • Epistolarum Liber adversus libellum Epistolarum hominis NN.

In the latter, Arrighi led a bitter controversy with an anonymous critic regarding an epitaph he had written on Canon Pappafava. This controversy continued extremely violently until censors from the University of Padua put an end to it.



  1. a b c d e f Arrighi, Antonio Maria . In: The Biographical Dictionary of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge , Vol. 3, 2 (1844), p. 643.
  2. Arrighi, Antonio Maria , in: Joseph Thomas (Ed.): The Universal Dictionary of Biography and Mythology , Vol. 1, p. 179.
  3. Arrighi (Antoine) , in: Louis Gabriel Michaud (Ed.): Biographie universelle ancienne et moderne , 2nd edition 1843 ff., Vol. 2, p. 292.