Louis Gabriel Michaud

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Louis Gabriel Michaud , called Michaud jeune (born January 19, 1773 at Richemont Castle ( Villette-sur-Ain , Département Ain ), † August 3, 1858 ) was a French writer , printer and publisher .

life and work

Louis Gabriel Michaud took part in several campaigns in the French republican armies, such as the cannonade of Valmy (September 20, 1792) and the battle of Jemappes (November 6, 1792), and retired in 1797 with the rank of captain of the 102nd line regiment for health reasons from military service. He then went to Paris , where in 1797 he opened a publishing bookstore and printing house with his older brother, the French historian Joseph François Michaud , and with N. Giguet. Because of his strictly royalist principles, he was arrested several times during both the First Republic and Napoleon's reign . After the return of the Bourbons , he was given the title of royal printer, but this was soon withdrawn from him because of his affection for the free press.

The most important work that Michaud edited and published himself is the biography universelle ancienne et moderne (52 vols., Paris 1811–28; 2nd edition 45 vols., 1843–65). His other works include the biography modern ou des hommes vivants (1802) and the historical writing Tableau historique et raisonné des premières guerres de Napoléon Bonaparte, de leurs causes et de leurs effets (Paris 1814).



  1. Information from parallel article in French Wikipedia; in Meyers Konversations-Lexikon (4th edition, 1885-92, 11th volume, p. 582 ( online )) Michaud's date of death is given as March 20, 1858 and his place of death as Ternes.