Antonio de Raco

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Antonio de Raco (born August 21, 1915 , † January 9, 2010 in Buenos Aires ) was an Argentine pianist and music teacher of Italian origin.

De Raco studied piano with Vincenzo Scaramuzza and composition at the Conservatorio Nacional Carlos López Buchardo . He made his pianist debut in 1932 and has given concerts in the USA, Canada, Italy, Spain, France, Holland, Germany, Switzerland and Russia. For the 200th birthday of Mozart , he performed all of Mozart's piano concertos in one cycle in 1956. He was a professor at the Conservatorio Nacional and the Conservatorio Municipal of Buenos Aires, co-founder of the Conservatorio Provincial Juan José Castro and professor at the universities of Cuyo, Tucumán, Rosario and La Plata. He has given master classes in Argentina and abroad and has acted as a juror in various piano competitions. In 2002 he was awarded the Premio a la Trayectoria Otorgado des Fondo Nacional de las Artes , furthermore he received the gold medal of the Mozarteum Argentino (2005), an honorary doctorate from the Universidad Nacional de Rosario (2008) and the Medalla Antonio Pujía of the Teatro Colón ( 2008).
