Aranda Glacier

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Aranda Glacier
location Livingston Island , South Shetland Islands
Coordinates 62 ° 28 ′  S , 60 ° 47 ′  W Coordinates: 62 ° 28 ′  S , 60 ° 47 ′  W
Aranda Glacier (South Shetland Islands)
Aranda Glacier
drainage Barclay Bay

The Aranda Glacier ( Spanish Glaciar Aranda ) is a glacier on the north coast of Livingston Island in the archipelago of the South Shetland Islands . It is located south of Playa Aranda on the west side of Cape Shirreff .

Chilean scientists named him after Óscar Aranda Valverde, officer on board the Piloto Pardo on the 20th Chilean Antarctic Expedition (1965–1966).

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